Precise technical translation – entertaining devices

Electrical engineering/electronics industry

Technology that inspires

The electrical engineering and electronics industry is subject to constant change. When devices such as smartphones, household appliances or PCs launch on the market, successor models are soon to follow. These are fast-moving sectors which live from a very high level of innovation and development work. This is also due to the highly competitive situation and the consumption landscape of consumers as well as various industries, especially in consumer electronics.

At the beginning of all things is electrical engineering, which is the base of the electronics industry. It deals with the basics of voltage, current, resistance and the elementary components of semiconductor technology.

These can be used to develop components, parts, circuits, etc. that are used in devices, systems, machines or other technologies. This also includes communications engineering as well as telecommunication, building and information technology.

Germany is one of the pioneering countries in these fields. An accurate language is essential, because a high-quality translation is the basis for the expansion into new country markets.

Excellence in technical translations is our aspiration, so that you can be successful worldwide. COMLOGOS is more than a classic translator’s office. As a translation agency, we offer you translation services in foreign language communication, right up to comprehensive consulting on your internal foreign language processes, the use of consistent terminology and your documentation.


You want to send us a translation enquiry for an operating instruction, which you need for a sales partner in Italy? Or you would like to market your therapeutic device internationally and need the documentation translated into English? No matter where your technology goes – COMLOGOS has the technology and the qualified technical translators for all world languages.

Overview of text types:

Your document and text types
Documentation and plans
Instructions (operation, use, maintenance, training, service)
Safety instructions
Software/software localisation
Specialist articles
User interfaces
Specialist articles
Analyses and reports
Congress documents
Marketing materials, press releases, brochures

Certified translation for proven and highest quality

In order to be able to serve your industry and understand your specialist field, we only employ highly qualified specialist translators. These are carefully evaluated by COMLOGOS and meet specific criteria. After all, technical know-how is of the utmost importance alongside accuracy. Our translators also regularly attend continuing education in order to keep abreast of the latest technical developments.

Our native translators all work with a Translation Memory-System. This allows them to use language pair-specific translation memories (TMs) during translation. In TMs, previously translated texts of the same language combination are stored in sentence pairs, or more precisely in segment pairs. During translation, the system compares each segment to be translated with segments already in the TM and displays similar sentences as so-called fuzzy matches. This allows our translators to directly access existing translations of your previous projects and adapt them to the new text. Identical texts/segments are inserted as 100% matches. These are also checked, as the translation sometimes has to be adapted to fit the context. By using TMs the translation process is being optimised and made more efficient.

You want us to use defined technical terms when translating your documents? No problem. We are also happy to support you in the area of Terminology management. No matter whether you already use technical terms that have been defined internally or you are currently planning to build up a company-specific technical vocabulary, we will be happy to assist you. We create a Terminology database from a glossary (e.g. an Excel list) and expand it on request. Or we fill a termbase with terminology from existing multilingual texts. You are expanding into a new country and need existing technical terms in a new language? Whatever your current , terminology process we will find the right solution for you. In the long term this saves you not only time but also money.

In addition we offer technical translations according to ISO ISO 17100. This additional service guarantees a high quality standard. A second specialist translator compares the source text with the translation and checks it regarding grammar, spelling, content and completeness. This way, we can deliver precise, high-quality technical translations, if needed also within short deadlines.

Our high quality standard creates satisfaction and trust with our customers. Companies from the electrical engineering and electronics industry rely on COMLOGOS.

As a certified company we are required to provide proof of our quality assurance as well as the competence and qualifications of our project managers and external language service providers. Our employees also sign a confidentiality agreement. This way your sensitive data remains confidential with COMLOGOS.

Your personal quote

Take advantage of our competent service and get in touch with us. The enquiry is free of charge for you.
We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!

Our services at a glance

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