A smart idea for the future

AI-assisted translations

Machine translation with artificial intelligence

With a professional process and the appropriate tools, it is already possible today to produce AI-assisted translations together with human post-editors who – combined with consistent terminology – render the content correctly and in a way that is easy to understand. Such translations are sufficient for many texts and applications, and there are associated advantages in terms of cost and time for production. 

What is machine translation?

AI-assisted or machine translation (MT) is an automated translation by a so-called engine, a specially trained computer program. To ensure machine translation can be used and its content is reliable, it needs to be checked according to certain criteria by human editors (usually specialist translators). This is then called light or full post-editing

The requirements for this process are described in the DIN ISO 18587 standard for the “post-editing of machine translations”, a standard to which we are certified

Requirements for good machine translations

For a good MT output, you need a good source text. The following criteria significantly influence the quality of the MT output. The source text should be checked for this:

  • Spelling mistakes
  • Grammar mistakes
  • Incorrect punctuation
  • Misused diacritics
  • Incomplete sentence structures
  • Unconventional abbreviations
  • Proper names
  • Sentences in the passive voice
  • High number of pronouns
  • Ambiguities
  • Inconsistencies

The process of AI-assisted translation

We at COMLOGOS also have high quality standards for our machine translation. That’s why a machine translation project with full post-editing is processed using our translation memory system and our carefully tested, filled and training machine translation engine. After the machine translation output is generated, a qualified, evaluated and experienced post-editor works on the translation. In doing so, they take into consideration the common aspects for potential errors that machine translation entails. This means that right from the quotation stage the focus is on quality and all necessary factors are observed during project execution. 

The technologies and tools used

COMLOGOS works with a carefully tested, filled and trained engine for neural machine translation (NMT). Your texts will be used exclusively for your translation and not for training the engine. Since the engine's servers are located in the EU, all activities comply with the strict data protection regulations of the European Union.

Data protection and data security in AI-assisted translation

For the translations of your texts, we use systems that only store the source and target texts on their own machines. For our customers, we always create and use company-specific and delimited data regarding translation memories, terminology databases and AI training files. Our IT systems are professionally protected against third-party access and maintained against external attacks. 


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Translation-oriented writing: Examples

8. June 2022
Examples from the everyday life of a translator. Translation-oriented writing is good for every text. I don't know about you, but I love reading real-life examples.

Your personal quote

If you would like to have a text translated professionally, please contact us or request your free quote here. Your personal contact in our project management team will provide you with individual support.

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