COMLOGOS technologies

Translation technologies

All technologies that we use at a glance

Translation memory systems, terminology databases and AI-powered translation tools are crucial technologies for high-quality technical translations and efficient processes. They enable high productivity, ensure consistent terminology and sustainably guarantee the quality of the translations.

Translation Memorysysteme

Translation Memorys

Qualitätsverbesserung und Zeitersparnis, die sich auszahlt!

Sliderbild Terminologie Datenbank


Konsistente Terminologie für Ihre Fachtexte und Ihr Unternehmen!

Translation memory systems are like the memory palace for translators. They allow you to save text segments that have already been translated and reuse them later. This means not only a considerable improvement in quality, but also a time saving that really pays off. Every click on „Translate“ thus becomes an efficient step towards first-class technical translations.

Terminology databases form the „backbone“ for consistent technical terminology. By systematically recording and managing specific vocabulary, they ensure that your technical texts and your company always communicate using coherent language. This not only builds trust with your readers, but also ensures that your messages come across accurately and professionally.

AI-powered translation tools are the turbo in the translation process. They combine human expertise with machine speed to deliver reliable and accurate translations quickly and cost-effectively. This technology is key to keeping up with the demands of modern global communication without compromising on quality.

Altogether, translation memory systems, terminology databases and AI-powered translation tools form an unbeatable trio that not only boosts productivity but also lays the foundation for high-quality technical translations. Our translation agency relies on these proven technologies to ensure that every translation meets the highest standards and that your message is understood globally.

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